Mission &
In the wake of the mass casualty event that took place on August 3, 2019, local, state and community agencies identified the need to stand up a resiliency center for long-term community recovery. In collaboration with county and city governments and funding through the Office of the Governor, United Way of El Paso County was entrusted to be the backbone agency to host the center and lead efforts in long-term recovery.
The El Paso United Family Resiliency Center (FRC) opened its doors on December 19, 2019 offering a place of healing and support dedicated to serving those directly and indirectly impacted by the tragedy. The main focus of the FRC is to disseminate information and assist community members in navigating the variety of services available in response to August 3rd.
The FRC team is comprised of resiliency navigators who through personalized case management connect individuals and families to credible programs and services to address their specific needs. Our culturally sensitive and trained navigators can provide referrals for counseling, financial planning, legal guidance and spiritual care as well as offer documentation assistance, education on reducing mental health stigmas and peer support groups. Overall, the team aims to help visitors to feel heard and supported.
United Way and the FRC are dedicated to the long-term healing of the community. Services and programs offered by the FRC will continue to evolve along with the needs of the community and of those affected by the traumatic event. In addition to helping individuals navigate through community resources, the FRC will work to reduce mental health stigmas through education, outreach and targeted messaging. The FRC will also facilitate programming in non-traditional therapies and support services for specialized populations to promote resiliency and encourage healing throughout the broader community.
We encourage anyone looking for support to visit the center or call to make an appointment.
About Our
United Way.
The United Way of El Paso County, with corporate partners, organizations, donors and volunteers, stands up for the education, health, basic needs and financial stability of every person in our community. Our United Way is an independent, locally governed and community-supported nonprofit agency focused on creating long-term, lasting change for local children and families.